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Deadly Love Quest Chapter 2 continue

  "You and your friends are very kind. I never knew we had  such good people as you in this village,” remarked Dikachi.  “Well, that is how we are. We are trained to do good and  defend our people and please, don’t say another word. I can see you’re very tired,” Dikachi nodded in reply as they walked along the bush path. Each time they came across anyone on the road and  greeted the person with eyes already fixed on them both, the fellow would not take off the eyes on them even after  they’d passed them. What rang on their mind was; whatcould be going on with Okwudili, the son of Ikemba, a noble man and the daughter of a man unable to bear a  son. Some group of girls who were on their way to the  stream also marveled as they came across them and gossiped as they continued on their way to the stream. Soon they passed a piece of farm in which three girls were weeding. One of them who came out to drop a basket of cassava saw them from behind. She took a full view of  Dikachi and Okwu

Deadly Love Quest Chapter 2

             CHAPTER TWO Dikachi, the first daughter of Ubochi, was very  beautiful with a nice shape and was admired by every girl  in the village, not only for beauty but for her bravery. She  had escaped from being raped by some boys in her village  many times owing to her bravery, and had also fought with  most of the girls who had gotten on her way. These made most of the girls jealous and they kept their  distance from her family. The only friend she had was  Ugoma, who was a native of her mother’s village and they  had been friends from childhood. Dikachi enjoyed hunting bush meats and birds at her  leisure time. This made her father who had always wished  she was a boy give her a gift of catapult which she used for hunting each time her sister and her went to fetch firewood or water from the stream. One Saturday, Oluomachi and her mother left for the  market to sell the produce gotten from their farm. Ubochi  took some of his farm produce to a neighbouring village to  sell .Dik